Millionaires’ Walk Sorrento: Here’s Exactly How To Find It

Millionaires’ Walk in Sorrento is not a place we’d had on our ‘must-visit’ list when heading for our four-day break on the Mornington Peninsula, but having seen it described as ‘one of the most beautiful short walks in the world’ on a Google Review, I had to see what all the fuss was about.

So, on our way back from Point Nepean, we pulled over, found the entrance (after some searching) and set off for the 30 minute walk.

Whilst I’m not quite sure it lives up to being one of the best short walks in the world, it was definitely worth the detour with stunning coastal views and real estate that would make all but the very richest on the planet a little jealous!

In this post is everything you need to know if you want to experience Millionaires’ Walk for yourself.



The Reeves have lived for over 5 years in Melbourne, with little Gracie being born here. We have travelled extensively, picking up lots of tips about how to make the most of this incredible country.
Ben Reeve
Post Author

Where to Start Millionaires’ Walk Sorrento?

Millionaires’ Walk is started at the end of Lentell Avenue in Sorrento. Find a place to park up under the trees at the end, walk up to the small open grassed area and then look left under the trees for the entrance gate with a big yellow ‘pick up your dog poo’ sign.

This may sound simple, but finding the start of the Millionaires’ Walk wasn’t as easy as it sounds!

Below are some simple steps to get you there:

Step One: Go To Lentell Avenue

Lentell Avenue is off of the main road from Portsea to Sorrento, an easy stop off on the way back from Point Nepean.

Step Two: Park Up Under The Trees

There is not a lot of parking at the start of Millionaires’ Walk, so we found a place under some trees on the left towards the end of Lentell Avenue.

Please be conscientious, many people live along this road so park carefully and do not block any driveways.

millionaires walk sorrento parking

Step Three: Walk To The Grassed Clearing

Now you’re out of the car, head up to the grass clearing at the very end of Lentell Avenue which is at the top of the cliff. Do not head down the cliffside steps at the far end by the bench (as we did!), look left about halfway through the grassed area.

In the photo below you can see where a path heads off to the left.

grassed clearing at start of millionaires walk

Step Four: Go Through The ‘Secret’ Gate

This was the step we got wrong! We headed down the steps to the seafront, before Becca mentioned she’d seen a gate on the left with a big yellow sign.

I’d read beforehand to look out for this gate, but even then I completely missed it, that’s how well hidden it is!

If I hadn’t done any research I’m not sure I’d even have been confident enough to go through, as it looks like the access to someone’s back garden (and in a way it is!), but this is the start of Millionaires’ Walk.

gate at the start of millionaires walk
The ‘secret’ gate you are looking for

Walking Millionaires’ Walk

Once we found the start of the walk, it proved to be well worth the trip, with a combination of wonderful views out to sea, a bit of snooping at houses we’d never be able to afford and the added bonus of the Sorrento-Portsea Artists’ Trail signs.

after the gate at millionaires walk

Straight after the gate we were greeted by a non-descript alleyway with a high weaved fence on one side and a large bush on the other blocking the sea views, it didn’t feel like a great start!

first part of millionaires walk sorrento

Quickly though the path opened up and, as many reviews online had suggested, it felt a bit weird.

The first set of houses had no fence between them and the walkway, so it really felt like we were walking in their gardens!

Whilst these houses are gorgeous, even if I could afford one I’m not sure I’d want one of these first ones where at any moment an unknown couple – perhaps trailed by a surprisingly loud toddler swinging a pair of cheap binoculars at anything that moves (not that I was thinking of anyone in particular!) – can wind up on your lawn.

millionaires walk jetties castle

The real reasons for living here quickly became apparent though, as the path took us up over the height of the coastal bushes.

The beach below was pristine and met with waters of a turquoise shade that wouldn’t have been out of place in the Caribbean. Whilst the footpath we were on wasn’t private, many of the beaches below us were, with signs on the gates issuing warnings to any would-be intruders.

Recommended Reading: My Complete First-Hand Guide to the Mornington Peninsula [What To Do, Where To Stay & More]

private beaches at millionaires walk sorrento

The views back to Sorrento were stunning, boats navigated the calm waters, the jetties (each with their own unique buildings) jutted out into the sea and in the background, the highest point in the area, Arthur’s Seat was visible on the horizon.

house on millionaires walk sorrento

The houses varied in style and were as interesting to look at as the sea views.

The one above was in a much older style and backed onto tennis courts. It at least had a wall keeping walkers off of the property, but it still wasn’t very private.

houses on millionaires walk sorrento

The houses towards the top of the hill were more modern, with pools set into immaculate decking and teams of gardeners working hard to keep them looking like a centre-spread from ‘Beachside Mansions Weekly’.

We didn’t see a single owner enjoying any of these places, but the number of people working to keep them running I’m sure was enough to power the jobs market of Sorrento by itself! I’ve already mentioned the gardeners, but we also saw a pool cleaner (who was not going to be short of business in this area) and carpenters extending decking at a beautiful place on top of the hill.

millionaires walk sorrento queenscliff to sorrento ferry

From the top, we could see down into the next cove where there were private moorings though none of them big enough for the Queenscliff to Sorrento ferry which passed in the distance.

sorrento to portsea artists trail arthur streeton

At the top of this hill, we also got to see the first of the signs on the Sorrento-Portsea Artists’ Trail, so I thought I put one in this post so you can see what they look like.

It’s a clever idea. They put the artwork on the sign, with the backdrop that inspired it right behind. Unfortunately, my photo didn’t do much justice to capturing the backdrop, but hopefully, you get the idea!

Millionaires’ Walk FAQ

What is Millionaires’ Walk

Millionaires’ Walk a short walk between the beautiful Port Phillip Bay and a row of luxury houses in Sorrento.

It is also part of the Sorrento-Portsea Artists’ Trail and four of the signs showing pieces of art with the original scene behind are on the walk.

How Long is Millionaires’ Walk in Sorrento?

millionaires walk length on map

Millionaires’ Walk is around 550m end to end, or a 1.1km return walk from the starting point at Lentell Avenue, up to Point King Road and then returning.

As you can see on the image above, I plotted the route on a map, which comes to 554m.

Millionaires’ Walk Route Map

Below is a map I’ve put together of the Millionaires’ Walk route, one a simple image and another a zoomable Google Map which you can download and save to your device if needed.

millionaires walk route map plotted

Great Tours Near Sorrento

If you’re looking for some extras to enhance your time in and around Sorrento here are some suggestions.

How about experiencing some of Port Phillip Bay’s marine wildlife with a 3-hour Dolphin and Seal Cruise that is less than $50 per person? It departs from the pier in Sorrento and will even give you a free trip if those cheeky dolphins don’t show up.

If you’re looking for a shorter cruise then this Eco Boat Cruise is only 90 minutes, $50 a head and at the time of writing has received a 5-star review from everyone who’s taken it.

As you may have now twigged, getting out on the water is the main attraction from Sorrento, but you can also get closer to the action with this 2-hour Reef Snorkelling Tour from only $120.

Finishing Up

Millionaires’ Walk is well worth a 30-minute detour if you’re in Sorrento or Portsea. The views combined with a bit of aspirational real estate shopping

I have lots of posts that cover both the Mornington Peninsula and wider Victoria on this site, so if you’re exploring the area come back to check them out or subscribe using the green form at the bottom of this page.

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the reeves family picture


Reeves Roam, is a first-hand travel blog. The Reeves have lived in the UK, South Africa and Australia and have travelled extensively in Europe and Southeast Asia.

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Thanks – Ben, Becca and Gracie

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3 years ago

I love this walk! Done it a few times and yes, it is so strange walking in peoples yards… I don’t know how the owners feel- I guess they are too rich to care!!!